a picture of local heritage-listed house "Kandahar", the home of the West Torrens Historical Society

Organisations in West Torrens

Adelaide Airport 

Adelaide Chemical Works (New Thebarton/Torrensville) 

T H Brown (Mile End South)

Charlicks (Mile End South)

Horwood Bagshaw (Mile End South)

Hume Pipes (Mile End South)

IXL and Henry Jones (Mile End South)

Kelvinator Australia Ltd.

The Metters Company (West Torrens and Beyond)

Perry Engineering Ltd.

S.A. Farmers' Co-operative Union Ltd. (Mile End South)

Southwark / SA Brewing / Thebarton Brewery

T.J. Richards / Chrysler Australia (Keswick & Mile End South)

TREG Trailers, Gordon J. Tregoning Pty Ltd., Underdale

Wiles Manufacturing Company