a picture of local heritage-listed house "Kandahar", the home of the West Torrens Historical Society

Contact Us

The West Torrens Historical Society at Kandahar, 327-329 Marion Road, North Plympton is open to the public most Mondays 9am -12pm (excluding public holidays) (...and illness!) 

Access at other times by appointment. President: John Andrewartha 0438 005 316

Contacts: West Torrens Historical Society

John Andrewartha, President, Email: John Andrewartha  

Craig Carter Secretary

Postal: PO Box 43, Marleston SA 5033

Email: westtorrenshistory@gmail.com

Website: www.westtorrenshistory.org

Facebook: West Torrens Historical Society

Officers and Committee

President: John Andrewartha

Vice Presidents: Kent Beard, Graham Parry

Secretary: Craig Carter

Treasurer: Bev Bills OAM

Committee: Geoff Grainger, Deane Prettejohn, Lyn Baker, John Gray plus nominated Council representative Cr Graham Nitschke (Cr Kym McKay proxy)

RESEARCH OFFICERS:                           John Andrewartha & Geoff Grainger

HISTORIAN EDITORS: John Andrewartha & Geoff Grainger

COLLECTIONS MANAGER:                Lyn Baker

COLLECTIONS ASSISTANT:                                 John Gray

IT & MEDIA OFFICER:                                      Craig Carter

WEB SITE MANAGER:                               Deane Prettejohn

FACEBOOK MANAGER:                             Kent Beard


MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR:                  Vacant

HERITAGE OFFICER:                                       David Hanna

CATERING COORDINATOR:                     Vacant

HONORARY AUDITOR:                               Peter Whiting

A Salute to our Office Bearers

Since the society’s inception on 4th March 1976, there has been many dedicated Office Bearers and Committee Members. Without their willingness to devote their time and energy the Society could not exist.


Mal Stott                        1976 - 1980/81

Maybelle Marles          1981 - 1984/85

Jack Foran                      1985/86

Keith Andrewartha       1986/87

Eileen McNamara        1987 - 1991/92

John Andrewartha        1992 - Present


Vice President

Bill Hickman                   1976/77

Aileen Kollosche           1977/78

Eileen McNamara        1978 - 1981/82

Jack Foran                      1982 - 1984/85

Eileen McNamara        1985 - 1986/87

John Andrewartha        1987 - 1991/92

Daphne Gum                 1992 - 1998/99

Charles Harris                1999 - 2000/01

Maybelle Marles          2001 - 2011/12

Greg Slattery                  2012 - 2018/19

Kent Beard                     2019 - Present


Jack Blumberg               1976 - 1977/78

Daphne Gum                 1978 - 1981/82

Mal Stott                        1982 - 1991/92

Jack Foran                      1992 - 93/94

Betty James                   1994 - 2008/09

Bev Bills                          2009 - Present



Maybelle Marles          1976 - 1980/81

Yvonne Jackson )          1981 - 1982/83

Allison Kollosche)         1981 - 1982/83

Eileen McNamara        1983/84

Terry Saunderson          1984 - 1986/87

Yvonne Jackson            1987 - 1991/92

Maybelle Marles          1992 - 1994/95

Gavin Parry                    1996/97

Maybelle Marles          1997 - 2000/01

Chris Brice                      2001 - 2004/05

John Gray                       2005 - 2024

Craig Carter 2024 - Present


Assistant Secretary

Suzi Cousins                   1993 - 1996/97

Alan Patterson               1997/98